Using DNA archived in lake sediments to reconstruct past ecosystems

Picard M, Von Eggers J, Brasell KA, Yan D, Klaminder J, Alsos IG, Barouillet C, Cheng Y, Dommain R, Dulias K, Duxbury L, Thomson-Laing G…Wood SA, Capo E….. 2024 Using DNA archived in lake sediments to reconstruct past ecosystems. 2024. Using DNA archived in lake sediments to reconstruct past ecosystems, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier

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Ecosystems are continuously responding to both natural and anthropogenic environmental change. Lake sediments preserve local and global evidence of these ecological transitions through time. This archived information can yield crucial insights through the reconstruction of past changes over hundreds to many thousands of years. This chapter provides an overview on what lake sedimentary DNA (sedDNA) is, which biological groups can be detected with this novel paleoecological proxy, and the workflow and analytical techniques currently employed in sedDNA research. Finally, the implications of lake sedDNA studies are illustrated through five topics, illustrating how sedDNA can reconstruct lake response to environmental change.