A new lakes-focused teaching resource

In collaboration with the Science Learning Hub, the Lakes380 team have been working on Aotearoa-specific teaching resources on lake science. Eleven resources have been co-developed with the team at ‘the Hub’; six articles, four activities and an interactive activity– covering different types of lakes in Aotearoa, interpreting sediment core data, environmental-DNA, and using He reo nō te puehu (the Lake Moawhitu virtual world) to travel backwards and forwards in time. 

The project drew on content the Lakes380 team have developed over the past five years of communicating with the public in Aotearoa about our lakes, including our science education programme that ran in Nelson / Tasman schools during 2022. Working with the Science Learning Hub team on this mahi has been a really gratifying experience, seeing how excited they were by the content and to be a part of transforming complex information into something that was relevant to an educational setting. We’re most excited, though, to see tamariki around the motu learning more about their lakes and developing strong connections with lakes in their region, and hopefully going on to value and protect them.