Te Pātaka Kai o Tūwiriroa – new film launched

Te Pātaka Kai o Tūwiriroa shines a light on the formerly bountiful food storehouses of Tūwiriroa, the Kāti Māmoe rakatira (chief). It alludes to the work of restoring healthy waterways and replenishing native birds, fish and plants that traditionally sustained takata whenua for many generations. Treasured mahika kai (food-gathering places) include Waihora ki Taiari (Lake Waihola) and Waipōuri (Lake Waipori), remnants of an expansive wetland ecosystem in the lower Taiari catchment. The return of Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau / Sinclair Wetlands to Kāi Tahu in the 1990s empowered Te Rūnaka o Ōtākou members to lead environmental restoration efforts.

This project is a partnership between Lakes380 and Te Rūnaka o Ōtākou. This film features Tūmai Cassidy, Paulette Tamati-Elliffe, Edward Ellison, Steve Bryant, Ian Bryant, Marc Schallenberg.

View the film here.