Region: Bay of Plenty

  • Lake Ōkāreka

    14 May, 2020
    Lake Ōkāreka is in an ignimbrite plateau and has steep caldera walls on its north-eastern side, testament to the processes…
  • Lake Ōkaro

    14 May, 2020
    Ōkaro is a small lake with very high productivity and is classed as super-trophic. It is subject to frequent and…
  • Lake Ōkataina

    14 May, 2020
    Ōkataina is a deep lake (maximum depth 78 m) and is oligotrophic, meaning it has low productivity and good water…
  • Lake Rerewhakaaitu

    14 May, 2020
    Lake Rerewhakaaitu lies east of Lake's Ngahewa and Okaro and sits at an altitude of 438 m. It has a…
  • Lake Rotoehu

    14 May, 2020
    Lake Rotoehu lies east of the Rotorua township and was formed by "lava damming" of a river valley. The catchment…
  • Lake Rotoiti (Rotorua)

    14 May, 2020
    The mesotrophic Lake Rotoiti is the third-largest in the region, occupying part of the Haroharo Caldera. The lake deepens from…
  • Lake Rotorua (Rotorua)

    14 May, 2020
    Lake Rotorua is the region’s oldest lake. It is thought to have formed shortly after the Mamaku Ignimbrite eruption about…
  • Lake Tarawera

    14 May, 2020
    Lake Tarawera is in the southwest section of the Haroharo Caldera. It covers 41 sq km and is more than…
  • Lake Tikitapu

    14 May, 2020
    Lake Tikitapu has a small catchment and its predominant land cover is indigenous vegetation. It is slightly north of Lake…