Lake Tennyson

32 metres
233 hectares
Lake ID:
Main vegetation type:
Low Producing Grassland
St James Range
42° 12' 0" S
172° 43' 44" E

Iwi / representative groups:

  • Ngāi Tahu
    • Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura


Lake Tennyson is a lake dammed by glacial moraine, located in the Canterbury high country between Molesworth Recreation Reserve and St James Conservation Areas. The lake is within the headwaters of the Clarence River, with the river flowing through the lake. St James Range lies to the west and the Crimea Range to the east. The vegetation is a mosaic of moraine communities including open red tussockland and low shrubland with patches of tall tussockland. A large area of mountain beech forest grows on surrounding slopes. (