Lake Kainui / Lake D

6.7 metres
27 hectares
Lake ID:
Main vegetation type:
High Producing Grassland
North of Hamilton
37° 40' 37" S
175° 13' 58" E

Iwi / representative groups:

  • Ngāti Hauā
    • Waikato


      Lake Kainui (also known as Lake D) is located within the Kainui peat bog in the Horsham Downs area, north of Hamilton. It is a shallow peat lake which has important ecological values. Due to its locality, the lake is highly peat-influenced, giving the water a brown/tea-coloured appearance. It suffers from regular cyanobacterial blooms, and contains invasive species catfish, rudd and gambusia ( Lake Kainui has been managed by the Lake Kainui Landcare Group since 1966. Fencing off from grazing animals and plantings around the perimeter aim to reduce sedimentation and improve overall water quality (

      Main image by David G. Schmale III, Virginia Tech,

      Image – David G. Schmale III, Virginia Tech,
      Image – David G. Schmale III, Virginia Tech,