Lake Kaikura

5.1 metres
5.9 hectares
Lake ID:
Main vegetation type:
High Productivity Grassland
39° 42' 0" S
174° 24' 18" E

Iwi / representative groups:

  • Ngāti Ruanui


    Lake Kaikura is a stream channel that has been blocked by windblown sand, forming a lake and swampy gully (   The lake and surrounding wetland complex is protected under the 9.5 ha Dwyer, Stevenson/Le Prou, Schrider open space covenant.  The covenant area is part of the one per cent of former wetland areas that remain on Taranaki farmland, making it a valuable biodiversity asset. The lake has an extensive wetland and is a regionally significant wildlife habitat as it shelters the locally depleted small tree wharangi, and several important birds species like the spotless crake (Porzana tabuensis plumbea), a regionally uncommon species, and the Australasian bittern (Botaurus stellaris poiciloptilus), a nationally vulnerable species (

    Sediment Core