Lake Johnson / Waipuna

3 metres
475 hectares
Lake ID:
Main vegetation type:
High Productivity Grassland
45° 0' 11" S
168° 43' 55" E

Iwi / representative groups:

  • Ngāi Tahu
    • Hokonui Rūnanga
    • Kāti Huirapa ki Puketeraki
    • Te Rūnanga o Awarua
    • Te Rūnanga o Moeraki
    • Te Rūnanga o Ōraka Aparima
    • Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou
    • Waihōpai Rūnanga


Waipuna (Lake Johnson) is a small relatively shallow lake near Queenstown in the Queenstown-lakes region of Otago. It has a maximum depth of 27 m, a surface area of 0.2 km² and resides in a small catchment (1.9 km²). It is classified as a glacial lake with no natural in-flowing or out-flowing water; the only sources of water are seepage and flow in from several temporary streams and irrigation channels. Lake Johnson has likely undergone progressive eutrophication since catchment development and intensification began. It is currently be classified as eutrophic (source

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