Hokakura / Lake Sumner

135 metres
1373 hectares
Lake ID:
Main vegetation type:
Indigenous Forest / Tussock
Sumner Regional Park
42° 42' 1" S
172° 12' 59" E

Iwi / representative groups:

  • Ngāi Tahu
    • Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga


Hokakura (Lake Sumner) is a large, deep lake adjacent to the Lake Sumner Forest Park. Its catchment is mostly forested. Lake Sumner is located on the mainstem of the Hurunui River and due to its large size and connection with the river lake levels can vary by up to 3.5 m during flood events. The water quality in the lake is very good (www.ecan.govt.nz).
Both eel weirs (traditional Māori method of catching eels) and waka (Māori canoe) have been discovered at Hokakura, which was one of the principal kāinga mahinga kai (food-gathering places) on this ara tawhito (traditional travel route) in search of pounamu (jade or green stone) (www.kahurumanu.co.nz).

Main image (above) by Environment Canterbury Regional Council