Barton’s Lagoon is a shallow 7.5 hectare lake connected to the north end of Lake Wairarapa. It is part of the wider Wairarapa Moana wetland complex, which became a RAMSAR site in 2020.
The lagoon is part of a collaborative restoration project to restore the native wetlands species and restablish the valuable role wetlands play in keeping waterways healthy and clean. The lagoon is home to native species such as longfin and shortfin eels, black flounder, common bullies, īnanga, common smelt, brown mudfish, and kōura (freshwater crayfish) , as well as many native birds, including kawau (black shag), tūturiwhatu (banded dotterel), and tōrea pango (black oystercatcher). It is also home to many non native pest species such as rud, perch and brown trout, and hornwort.