Scientific paper written for school aged children. Learn what eDNA can tell us about ecosystems.

Education resources
Ngā rauemi ako
Our educational resources, developed in collaboration with the Science Learning Hub Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao, aim to make lake research accessible, engaging, and relevant for students, teachers, and community audiences.
- An Interactive tool that explores lake sediments and inputs and what the tell us about lake health.
- Understand how researchers collect and use historical data to paint a picture of the past.
- Visit Lake Moawhitu at three periods throughout the past 1000 years and peek into the future.
- Learn how sediment cores from the bottom of the lakes are collected and analysed.
- Understand the challenges facing Lake Moawhitu and Ngāti Koata future aspirations for the lake.
- Lakes380 was our previous project that collected data on 310 of Aotearoa's lakes.
- Concepts and curriculum links: science, mātauranga Māori and social sciences.
- Students use a combination of online resources to identify and explore lakes in their local area.
- Sediment cores are like a history book they tell us each lakes unique story throughout time.
- Students build an understanding of the nature of science and science capabilities.
- Use a magnetic fishing rod to gather data on organisms in the lake ecosystem
- Understanding eDNA and how it is a useful tool for understanding ecosystems.