Our Copyright Policy
Material protected by Crown copyright
Material on this website is protected by Crown copyright unless otherwise indicated. Some of it can be reused without permission, but in some cases, you must contact the copyright holder directly for permission.
Reuse terms
Unless identified as having third party copyright or other licences, the material on this website is Crown Copyright and can be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
This means you can copy, distribute and adapt the material as long as you credit Our Lakes, Our Future and abide by the CC BY 4.0 licence terms.
In all cases, the material must be reproduced accurately and not be used in a misleading context.
What you can't reuse
Our reuse terms do not apply to the following:
- Material with third party copyright or other licences – you must get permission from the owner if necessary, and follow the specific licence terms.
- Logos and trademarks
- Design elements.
How to credit Our Lakes, Our Future
Use text (not logos), e.g. “Our Lakes, Our Future”.
Where relevant, link to our website (ourlakesourfuture.co.nz) or the specific source page.

Images labelled with "Creative Commons" may be reused
Check the terms set by the Creative Commons licence that appears with the image. You must follow these terms.
Images labelled with © can't be reused without permission
You must contact the copyright holder directly for permission to use their images.