Connecting with uPcycle

Our Lakes, Our Future is proud to be associated with the project uPcycle. Our Lakes, Our Future fully supports uPcycle and its globally innovative approaches to reducing phosphorus pollution.

Phosphorus is a macronutrient that is critical for global food security.  As a major component in most fertilisers, phosphorus is one of the main reasons why we have food on our plates.

If used unsustainably, phosphorus can lead to water pollution which is costing the globe an estimated US$265 billion per year. We must therefore act quickly to reduce phosphorus emissions globally and develop sustainable phosphorus management practices.

To tackle these global challenges, a brand-new project, uPcycle, has officially kicked-off. uPcycle’s mission is to bring together global communities to deliver a sustainable phosphorus future and reduce phosphorus pollution in lake catchments.

uPcycle is executed by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) and the Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, implemented by the UN Environment Programme, and funded by the Global Environment Facility.